
威廉·比尔·H. 卡尔

William 卡尔 at his desk with portrait of George L. Mountainlion
William 卡尔 at his desk with portrait of George L. Mountainlion
比尔 Woodin and 比尔卡尔 measure a Gila monster
比尔 Woodin and 比尔卡尔 measure a Gila monster
沙漠在说话. 比尔·卡尔听着. 2022世界杯下注都将继续受益.

威廉·比尔·H. 卡尔, co-founder of the 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐 with 亚瑟 Pack, arrived in Tucson in 1944 with - as he later described it - �four suitcases and $400�.

1902年生, 比尔卡尔 had been employed by the Education Department of the American Museum of Natural 历史 in New York. He went on to establish Bear Mountain Trailside Museums in Highland Falls, 纽约的美国博物馆. 比尔 was particularly noted for his innovation in developing outdoor natural history interpretation. 他生病来到图森.

比尔 had long been a prolific author of natural history articles and he continued to write after moving to Tucson. He also established a small bookshop on Santa Rita Avenue dealing in rare natural history, 科学, 还有西南历史书, and became active in local environmental causes. 卡尔后来写道,到达图森后, �From the first I was enchanted by the desert, yet struck by what seemed a gross lack of knowledge about it among the local populace as well as on the national level.� He saw the need for an institution similar to Bear Mountain, but did not have the financial means to implement his ideas. �这里是一片壮丽的沙漠, 天与山才懂, appreciate and interpret for all who came this way.�

A fortuitous meeting of 卡尔 and 亚瑟 Pack in 1951, and Pima County's quandary regarding use of the Mountain House property in Tucson Mountain Park, opened the way to the founding of the 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐 driven by the initiative of 卡尔 and Pack. Thus was the next phase of 比尔卡尔's career in outdoor education launched.

With 亚瑟 Pack supplying the funding and 比尔卡尔 the vision, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Trailside Museum opened on Labor Day in 1952. �Opening Day, Labor Day of 1952, and it was never more aptly named. We had worked, sweated and suffered, yet we knew that this was not an end but a beginning. At least, it would be if there were enough interest shown in our efforts. --- We had prepared a parking space which we felt would be adequate for the number of autos even an enthusiastic turnout would produce. 但到了上午10点左右,这个地方就满了, and a line of cars was beginning to back up along the road outside the entrance. 大家开始互笑. ——2022世界杯下注只能估计, but our best guesses were that instead of the several hundred visitors we expected at our most optimistic, 至少有两三千人来了!�

And with the paving of Kinney Road in 1953 and Gates Pass Road in the summer 1961, access to the museum became easier and attendance grew. The Desert Museum was renamed the 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐 � removing �Trailside� - to more accurately reflect the conservation commitment of the museum.

世界杯app软件推荐继续扩建. 卡尔一直担任董事直到1954年9月, then as consultant on special projects including the Tunnel and Water Street. The Tunnel exhibit was initiated by 比尔卡尔 and was one of his fondest achievements. 最初于1957年开业, the Tunnel was a popular exhibit until 1978 when wear-and-tear made its closure necessary.

The long-before its time Water Street was also a vision of 比尔卡尔�s. This exhibit sought to �help visitors to understand one of the most vital of all our natural resources � water.ï与世界杯app软件推荐的许多项目一样, 比尔卡尔 provided the expertise and 亚瑟 Pack provided the funding through the Charles Lathrop Pack Foundation.

比尔卡尔 and 亚瑟 Pack teamed a second time and established the Ghost Ranch Museum, patterned along lines similar to the Desert Museum, Abiquiu附近, 新墨西哥. 它于1959年开业. For this museum 卡尔 also bore the title of co-founder and Director Emeritus.

比尔·卡尔于1985年去世. In 1989, the renovated Tunnel was renamed �Life Underground� and dedicated to the memory of William H. 卡尔. Education of all those whom the Museum touched was always uppermost in 比尔卡尔's mind and in 1980 he was honored by establishment at the Desert Museum of the William H. 卡尔诠释自然主义立场.

威廉·比尔·H. Woodin, 谁帮助比尔·卡尔建立了博物馆, 在卡尔之后成为主任, 和比尔一起工作了很多年, described 比尔卡尔 as �a man of total dedication and boundless imagination and truly a pioneer in the concept of outdoor education.�

来源: 鞋子里的鹅卵石; 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐:一本剪贴簿、ASDM档案

The 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐 (ASDM) Oral 历史 Project is designed to chronicle the history of ASDM. The interviews and collected materials provide an opportunity to capture the memories of museum founders, 成员, 工作人员, and guests; and to share those memories with Tucson and the conservation community at large.
