Raptor Free Flight

Show runs daily (except Wednesdays) at 10:00 a.m.
October 27, 2023 — April 7, 2024
(All dates subject to weather-related change)

Harris's Hawk


We recommend that guests arrive at the Museum at least 20 minutes prior to the show to allow time to park and walk to the demonstration areas.

Why is Raptor Free Flight a Must See?

Harris's Hawk flying in front of a saguaro

You may see flying birds of prey like chihuahuan ravens, great horned owls, caracaras, red-tailed hawks, gray hawks, and Harris’s hawks.

Please note: There is never a guarantee that a certain species will fly during any given show, due to weather, season, vet checks, etc.

Ferruginous Hawk


These birds employ clever and diverse hunting strategies that are similar to wolf packs.
See more fun facts here!

Gray Hawk perched on a dead branch
Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 05-02-2024