ARCHIVES: 地球 Day 2003

地球 Day: April 19, 2003
The Coati Kid's Club at the City of Tucson festivities and parade.

Photos by Abraham Blattstein

Junior Docent's Booth

Junior Docents paint Coati's faces

Tucson's 地球 Day events are a regular part of the Desert Musuem's Coati Kids’ Club calendar. Every year we sponsor the city-wide 地球 Day Poetry 比赛 in which students from local schools are invited to 竞争. We also have a booth featuring fun crafts and information.

Our booth was staffed by the Museum's Junior Docents who did a wonderful job helping kids of all ages learn about snakes. This year they brought artifacts and diagrams to help people get to know snakes better and tell the difference between venomous and non-venomous snakes. They made snake "mobiles" out of paper plates.

Junior Docents offered face painting at our booth, and also painted faces of the Coati Kids who marched in the 地球 Day Parade. They created wonderful coati faces which the kids topped off with ears and tails to become a troop of marching coatis.

While we waited for the parade to begin, we were visited by the Sidewinder from The Tucson Sidewinders. We also practiced our Coati Song to sing while we marched.

Here are the words to the chorus (cowritten by Patty Horn and the Coati Kid's 俱乐部:)

My name's Coatimundi of the raccoon family
I live in Arizona, it's the place to be
I love the mountain forests where there're lots of trees
In canyons near the water, you're sure to find me

At noon the winners of the Poetry 比赛 read their poems aloud on the central 阶段 and received certificates and ribbons. They were chosen from over 300 poems submitted this year!

Photo Album
Hanging out with the Sidewinder

Coati Kid's coati troop on parade

Announcing poetry contest winners and inviting them onto 阶段

2003 poetry contest winners get their ribbons

Christina reads her winning poem

Natalia reads her winning poem

Sonora memorized her poem and quoted it by heart!

夫人. Cochran with her winning students

Mallory reads her winning poem

Melanie reads her winning poem

Michelle reads her winning poem

We had so many wonderful second grade entries we had duplicate winners!

Coati Kids befriend a desert tortoise at the 地球 Day festivities

Making snake mobiles at the Junior Docents' booth


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