

1st: Hunter Dorris (tied), Desert, Donna Marchant, Highland Free 学校
1st: Adriel Perales-Valencia (tied), The Long-Nosed Bat, Donna Marchant, Highland Free 学校
2nd: Michael Aboulhosn, Diamond Back Rattlesnake, Dell Hammond, Henry Elementary
3rd: Jordyn Leonard, Rattlesnake, Dell Hammond, Henry Elementary
HM: Asja Cleveland, The Desert Is Awesome, Donna Marchant, Highland Free 学校
HM: Miles Ogden, Things in the Desert, Donna Marchant, Highland Free 学校
HM: Greysan Molina, Fox, Dell Hammond, Henry Elementary
HM: Jacob Wittenberg, Snake, Dell Hammond, Henry Elementary


1st: Angel Soto, Desert Rainbow, 康堤Clinkingbeard, 理查森小学
布鲁克·米切尔,夜空,夫人. 布莱克霍尔,索诺兰科学院
3rd: Katie Nguyen, The Desert Poem, Mrs. 索诺兰科学院的Zismann说
HM: Jaylyne Arciniega, Sunset in the Desert, Latrina Lewis and Mary Hope Bergey, Miles ELC
HM: Aliena Meija, Go Monarch, Mr. 韦勒,普雷西迪奥特许学校
HM: Adrian Wahl, The Sonoran Desert, Latrina Lewis and Mary Hope Bergey, Miles ELC
HM: WillaNell Kleiner, Desert Tree, Mrs. 佩拉尔斯,迈尔斯ELC
HM: Michael Andrus, The 3 Armed Saguaro, Mrs. 道奇,唐纳森小学
HM: Miranda Barwick, A Kangaroo Rat Leaps, Mr. 韦勒,普雷西迪奥特许学校
HM: Clyde Berry, Sun, Kelly Murphy and Dion Griffon, Highland Free 学校
HM: Elena Nickels, The Desert, Kelly Murphy and Dion Griffon, Highland Free 学校


1st: Caitlyn Glider (tied Overall Winner), The Way I Enjoy the Desert, Mrs. 恩德勒,索诺兰科学院
1st: Bryce Groen (tied) (pronounced Grow-en), The Desert, 康堤Clinkingbeard, 理查森小学
2nd: Allie Escandon, The Long, Wide Waterfall, Ms. 纽金特,沙漠之风小学
3rd: Matthew Garrett (tied), I Know the Desert, Mrs. 蒙哥马利,唐纳森小学
3rd: Baylee Hilden (tied), Sunset, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
瑞恩·史密斯,《2022世界杯下注》. 约翰逊,阿瓜卡连特小学
HM: Kyla Jordan, Where I Live, Kelly Murphy and Dion Griffon, Highland Free 学校
HM: Daniel, Wind, Kelly Murphy and Dion Griffon, Highland Free 学校
克莱尔·永宏,沙漠,夫人. 黑斯廷斯,派克学校
梅利莎·金,《2022世界杯下注》. 纽金特,沙漠之风小学
HM: Cheyenne Robinson , Small Roadrunner in Arizona, Mrs. 麦康纳,拉帕洛玛学院
瑞秋·布尔巴、基特·福克斯、弗斯太太. 黑斯廷斯,派克学校
HM: Peter Granoff, Back to a River, Ms. 约翰逊,阿瓜卡连特小学
米迦·贝纳德、何文德、何文德太太. 伯杰和夫人. 刘易斯,迈尔斯ELC


1st (tied): Allie Copenhaver, Desert Wildflowers, 康堤Clinkingbeard, 理查森小学
1st (tied): Tristan Head, The Desert Around Us, 康堤Clinkingbeard, 理查森小学
2nd: Damaris Romero-Dabdouab, The Bobcat, Ms. Fritton、圣. 安布罗斯
3rd: Emily McCallion-Kreiger, The Desert, Kelly Murphy and Dion Griffon, Highland Free 学校
HM: Na'im Temlock, The Sonoran Desert, Ms. Banales, Lineweaver小学
我是艾丽莎·亚内尔,这是季莫森太太. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
谢恩·乔丹,索诺兰沙漠. Banales, Lineweaver小学
HM: Kamlyn Warren,索诺拉沙漠,Ms. Banales, Lineweaver小学
HM: Jessika Zhang, The Sonoran Desert, Ms. Banales, Lineweaver小学
荷西·恩里克·加林多,春天,夫人. 帕尔默,唐纳森小学
HM: Ben Canfield, The Sonoran Desert, Ms. Banales, Lineweaver小学
HM: Cassidy Williams, The Desert Poem, Mrs. 伯杰和夫人. 刘易斯,迈尔斯ELC
HM: Sonora Buck-Shannon, Sun, Teresa Rodriguez and Gina Balibrera, Highland Free 学校
HM: Edward Buck-Shannon, The Desert, Kelly Murphy and Dion Griffon, Highland Free 学校
所罗门·舒斯特,《2022世界杯下注》. Banales, Lineweaver小学
卡姆登·博伊德,《2022世界杯下注》,布朗夫人. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
HM: Janel Chaneka, Sonoran Desert, Ms. Banales, Lineweaver小学


1st: Amy Quintana, A Beautiful Evening, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
2nd (tied): Victoria Vega, Desert Night, Mrs. 霍尔,惠特莫尔小学
2nd (tied): Abigail Faber, Desert at Night, Mrs. 霍尔,惠特莫尔小学
3号:艾丽莎·门德斯,季风,夫人. 霍尔,惠特莫尔小学
HM: Briana Tovar, 有什么可看的, 康堤Clinkingbeard, 理查森小学 (won HM for grade 3 in 2009)
HM: Dayja Lee, Sleeping in the Rain, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
HM: Kennedy Owen, The Peaceful Desert, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
HM: Rochelle Lindsey, Another World, Mrs. 洛佩斯,图片岩石中级
HM: Isabelle Acree, The Music of Nature, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
HM: Martin, Saguaro, Teresa Rodriguez and Gina Balibrera, Highland Free 学校
《2022世界杯下注的地球》,艾丽·拉斯康先生. 沃格曼,布莱曼小学
HM: Kyra Johnson, The Valley's Morning, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
HM: Emily Weatherwax, The Sonoran Desert, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
米兰达·卡利,Coyote, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
HM:雷雨夫人,阿迪蒂·瓦哈雷. 莫斯,唐纳森小学
凯尔茜·摩根,我来了,夫人. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
爱莉丝·曼恩,欢迎春天,夫人. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
HM: anhi Ruvalcaba,夫人. 莫斯,唐纳森小学
哈勒·本·阿舍,沙漠之月,哈勒夫人. 霍尔,惠特莫尔小学
尼奇·兰尼,萨瓜罗,我是. 查普曼,迈尔斯ELC
HM: Zachary Hill, I've Never Written a Poem Before, Mr. Cushing, Abbie Loveland Tuller 学校


1st and Overall Winner (tied): Kristen Esker, 仙人掌鹪鹩, 康堤Clinkingbeard, 理查森小学
第二名(并列):玛德琳街. Peter, This Beautiful Desert, 康堤Clinkingbeard, 理查森小学
2nd (tied): Rachel Richter, The Sonoran Desert, Kristi 查普曼,迈尔斯ELC
3rd: Jade Barber, Monsoon in the Desert, Teresa Rodriguez and Gina Balibrera, Highland Free 学校
姆:尼夫·弗林特、兔子杰克、杰克小姐. 卡什曼,惠特莫尔小学
HM: Ricardo De Saracho, Do You Understand the Waves of Sand? Mr. Cushing, Abbie Loveland Tuller 学校
HM: Katherine Brookes, Thunderstorm, Mrs. 迈尔斯,亨利小学
HM: Nikolis Atkinson, Curious Coati, Ms. 卡什曼,惠特莫尔小学
艾丽·米切尔,《2022世界杯下注》. Cushing, Abbie Loveland Tuller 学校
文森特·鲁宾逊,P-dogs, mr. 卡什曼,惠特莫尔小学
HM: Madelynn Anderson, Sonoran Desert, 康堤Clinkingbeard, 理查森小学
HM: Emma Sebastian, Arizona Wildcat, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
奥斯汀·莱南,沙漠图森,夫人. 迈尔斯,亨利小学
HM: Megan Nickerson, Desert Ruler, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学
HM: Selena Ramirez, Arizona Blossoms, Mrs. 柯林斯和太太. 莫滕森,梅斯基特小学


1st: Axy VanDongen, The Red-tailed Hawk, Teresa Rodriguez and Gina Balibrera, Highland Free 学校
2nd: Reece Jordan, Coyote, Teresa Rodriguez and Gina Balibrera, Highland Free 学校
3rd (tied): Terra Jeske, El Sol, Teresa Rodriguez and Gina Balibrera, Highland Free 学校
3rd (tied): Joshua Delfs, So We Meet Again Cactus, Mr. Cushing, Abbie Loveland Tuller 学校
HM: Samantha Herret, I Just Love to Explore, Mr. Cushing, Abbie Loveland Tuller 学校



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